Advisory Committee

We thank the following members of the Advisory Committee, who dedicated their time, expertise, and passion to this project:

Chad Boettcher, True North Media

Dr. Carew Boulding, University of Colorado Boulder, Political Science

Dr. Cheryl Crazy Bull (Sicangu Lakota), President, American Indian College Fund

John Govea, Director, Immigrant Rights and Integration Programs, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund

Ray Halbritter (Oneida), Oneida Indian Nation Representative & CEO of Oneida Nation Enterprises

Suzan Shown Harjo (Cheyenne & Hodulgee Muscogee), President, The Morning Star Institute

Sarah Kastelic (Alutiiq), Executive Director, National Indian Child Welfare Association

Dr. Adrienne Keene (Cherokee), Scholar, Writer, Blogger & Activist, Brown University

Judith LeBlanc (Caddo), Director, Native Organizers Alliance

Denisa Livingston (Diné), Slow Food International Indigenous Councilor of the Global North, Community Health Advocate, Diné Community Advocacy Alliance

Nichole Maher (Tlingit), Vice President, National Urban Indian Family Coalition; President, Northwest Health Foundation

Senator John McCoy (Tulalip), Washington State Senator

Floripa Olguin (Pueblo of Isleta), Youth Advocate, Brown University

Jacqueline Pata (Tlingit), Executive Director, National Congress of American Indians

Ken Ramirez (San Manuel Band of Mission Indians), Tribal Secretary, Business Committee for San Manuel Band of Mission Indians

Erik Stegman (Assiniboine), Executive Director, Center for Native American Youth

Nick Tilsen (Oglala Lakota), Executive Director, Thunder Valley CDC

Mark Trahant (Shoshone-Bannock), Editor, Indian Country Today

Brian Walker, Manager, Enterprise Diversity and Inclusion, The Walt Disney Company

Kevin Walker, President & CEO, Northwest Area Foundation